Monday, September 19, 2011

Recovery Month

It is more than half way through Recovery Month. Now where does that leave us? Somewhere between sick and well? How many people even know that September is, indeed, Recovery Month, a time to spread awareness about substance abuse and commend those around us who have overcome their struggle with addiction. Alcohol and substance abuse affects over 400,000 men and women in Massachusetts alone. Who is helping these people recover and gain hold of their lives? According to statistics released by the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the number of treatment facilities in the state of Massachusetts has decreased significantly over the last four years. In addition, the state ranks one of the highest in the country for the number of people ages 18-25 who are need of treatment but are not currently receiving any. Why do we focus so much attention on prevention programs in our schools but focus significantly less attention on those who have fallen victim to the evils we are preaching about? The question isn't what more we can do, the question is where do we start from. Some clinics in Massachusetts are focusing on such questions and are trying to enhance patient care in addiction clinics around the state. These particular clinics are doing more than their jobs require: they are recognizing what else needs to be done and are taking steps towards improvement.

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