Friday, December 16, 2011

An Inside Look at Recovery High Schools

Earlier last month I blogged about recovery high schools and how they are changing the landscape of addiction treatment among adolescents in this country. The nation's first recovery high school opened in Minnesota in 1989, and since then 20 additional schools have opened in 10 other states. The high schools provide a safe and sober environment that allows students the opportunity to get their high school diploma free from the influences of a normal, traditional high school.

Last month I took a look inside a real recovery high school in Boston. The school is called Ostiguy High School and is staffed by a wonderful principal and an amazing faculty. I spoke with several students about their experiences before coming to Ostiguy, and about their experience since coming to Ostiguy. I also spoke with the faculty about their experiences working at a recovery high school.

Here is my radio piece that I created from the interviews conducted at Ostiguy High School.

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