Tuesday, October 4, 2011

25 million Americans suffer from alcohol and drug abuse and only 4 million get the help and treatment they need. Something's wrong with the access to proper care and treatment for addiction patients if less than 16% of them are getting adequate help. Federal health care reform has now written mental health and addiction services into the federal parity law as well as into the health care law. The key push is to integrate behavioral health with primary health care. Today I spoke with Connie Peters, Vice President for Addiction Services at the Association for Behavioral Healthcare about the ongoing push for change in the realm of addiction treatment and addiction services. The lack of integration between primary health care and speciality behavioral health care is a prevalent part of the way health care systems are run in this country. The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has the potential to profoundly change this system.

ACA places an emphasis on two kinds of integrated care models. These are patient-centered medical homes and accountable care organizations (ACOs). Accountable care organizations are basically a group of coordinated health care providers who provide health care services to a group of patients. They are accountable for the quality, cost and overall care of patients assigned to them. There is plenty of evidence that link the importance of targeting integration efforts where patients will be interacting most directly with the health care system itself. Doctors need to do a better job of addressing and providing treatment for the medical needs of mental health and addiction patients. The ACA has already authorized $50 million in 2010 and additional funds all the way to 2014 for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to cover a type of grant called "co-location grants" to fuse services for mental illness and other medical conditions with the community-based behavioral health setting. There is also another initiative that would provide funding for the improvement of federally qualified health centers, which would mean they would provide behavioral health care in addition to the traditional means of treatment.

While the ACA continues to promise improvement in the areas of mental health, addiction and the infusion of primary health care, there are still several obstacles halting the process. One concern is that the prospect of lower numbers of uninsured people who need access to health care will tempt the government to cut direct financing. This is particularly likely considering the cuts to discretionary, or "optional", spending that the government agreed upon in the recent debt-ceiling deal. Nonetheless it remains to be seen just how health care laws will bend and reshape to improve the quality of health care though better integration methods and expanding coverage.



  2. Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG Millionaire, How did MAD DOG Millionaire become a Millionaire? CORRUPTION , LYING , CHEATING , and STEALING from Mass Health , Medicare , Medicaid and private insurance companies . Exploiting his emoloyees and patients. Billing insurance companies without examining or seeing the patients.

    30 years of CORRUPTION , LIES, CHEATING AND STEALING is Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka Mad Dog Millionaire’s trademark . He was involved in Corruption when he was the Medical Director at the Massachusetts Dept. of Correction , Martha Eliot Health Ctr , Roxbury Comprehensive Health Ctr. and his own Medical Practice , Preventive Medicine Associates.formerly Addiction Medicine Associates. He used two entities he created on paper that never existed called the National library of Addictions and the American College of Addiction to advocate his emergence in the field of addiction medicine. This unscrupulous MD used and exploited his patients and employees for financial wealth. The only thing that MAD DOG MILLIONAIRE aka Punyamurtula Kishore cared about was making money at the expense of Human misery

  3. Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG MILLIONAIRE is a liar and a fraud. There has never been a National Library of Addictions or a Amerixcan College of Addiction Medicine in Massachusetts or anywhere in the United States, except on paper.

    The mysterious National Library of Addictions Of all the libraries in all the world, which is the most addictive — and the most mysterious? Perhaps it’s The National Library of Addictions. This addictive entity is located in Brookline, Massachusetts. Founded by Punyamurtula S. Kishore, M.D., M.P.H., it is said to be “an intellectual gathering place for health care professionals and community members.” The institution is little known to the library-loving public, and information about it is scarce. Many questions present themselves. What addictions are kept in the library’s collection, and which of them are available for use by the public? Which of these addictions can be taken out on loan? Is there a children ’s room, or is the library open only to adults? Bibliophiles note with pleasure that the library appears to own at least one book.

    Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG Millionaire, How did MAD DOG Millionaire become a Millionaire? CORRUPTION , LYING , CHEATING , and STEALING from Mass Health , Medicare , Medicaid and private insurance companies . Exploiting his emoloyees and patients. Billing insurance companies without examining or seeing the patients.

    30 years of CORRUPTION , LIES, CHEATING AND STEALING is Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka Mad Dog Millionaire’s trademark . He was involved in Corruption when he was the Medical Director at the Massachusetts Dept. of Correction , Martha Eliot Health Ctr , Roxbury Comprehensive Health Ctr. and his own Medical Practice , Preventive Medicine Associates.formerly Addiction Medicine Associates. He used two entities he created on paper that never existed called the National library of Addictions and the American College of Addiction to advocate his emergence in the field of addiction medicine. This unscrupulous MD used and exploited his patients and employees for financial wealth. The only thing that MAD DOG MILLIONAIRE aka Punyamurtula Kishore cared about was making money at the expense of Human misery
