Thursday, October 6, 2011

Healthcare in 2010

Implementation of the Wellstone/Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act went into effect on April 5, 2010. This included several provisions that made access to important mental health and addiction treatment more readily available. It also required many health plans to cover addiction and mental health services which now included various other health conditions. For advocates of addiction treatment the implementation of parity was an enormous milestone. These laws are what require insurance agencies to provide the coverage necessary for the treatment and healthcare services of substance use and mental health patients. President Obama also signed into law the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" which would help to improve coverage for access to treatment, prevention programs, and post-recovery services. The new federal healthcare law will expand coverage to millions of uninsured Americans and approximately 95 percent f the population.

Benefits from the Provision:
  • Mental health and substance use disorder will both be included in basic benefits packages
  • Plans within the health insurance exchange must adhere to all Wellstone/Domenici Parity Act provisions.
  • Those enrolled in Medicaid will receive sufficient coverage
  • SUD/MH (Substance use disorder/mental health) will be part of chronic prevention initiatives
  • SUD/MH now part of health workforce development initiatives
  • SUD treatment and prevention and MH service providers will be eligible to apply for community health team grants
  • Americans below 133 percent of federal poverty level will have expanded Medicaid coverage

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