Thursday, October 27, 2011

Behavioral Health Care Cuts

Massachusetts' Sen. John Kerry, along with 12 other members of Congress, are currently debating a $1.2 trillion spending cut that could possibly include Medicaid. If this were to be the case, thousands of people living in Massachusetts who are currently receiving treatment for mental health or addictions disorder would be affected. Medicaid, which is responsible for paying for these services, has played an extremely important role for millions of Americans by providing critical support for people who suffer from mental illness and addiction. Medicaid allows these individuals the ability to overcome their illnesses and the potential to lead satisfying and productive lives.

The negative impacts that could result from such budget cuts include an increased demand for expensive emergency room care as well as increased strain on the criminal justice and corrections systems which are already overtaxed. In addition, cutting Medicaid just by 5% would result in tens of thousands of job losses and would cost the states $14 billion. The result of such large cuts would be a detriment to the recession we are already dealing with. The ultimate goal of outing inefficiencies that exist in our health care system needs to be done in a cost-effective and successful manner that does not threaten our network of behavioral health care services.

Congress' recommendations for controlling spending and reducing the deficit are due Nov. 23 so now is really the time to contact committee members and show support for preserving Medicaid.

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